Which advantages does Soceb offer for its integrated services of maintenance and management?

Soceb offers a service of plant maintenance: checks and periodic maintenance, agreed with the customer and in compliance with current regulations, ensure the functionality of a plant during its life cycle and reduce waste, inefficiencies and costs related to extraordinary maintenance.
Thanks to its Facility Management service, Soceb offers to companies an integrated management of services as support to their main business through specific skills in engineering, architectural, organizational and economic-financial fields.

- Responsibilities transferred to the partner, while still maintaining control.
- Services constantly in line with the needs of the company and in compliance with current regulations.
- Optimization and reduction of management costs thanks to a single interlocutor.
- Flexibility and adaptability of performance and costs according to customer’s needs.
Soceb is the partner for activities in the technological (electrical and plumbing, heating plants, alternative energies) and architectural fields (building works, window frames, blacksmith works, etc.) taking charge of the responsibility related to correct management and maintenance of services.